certPath = "conf" # The certification path disableSsl = "false" # Communication with nodes without SSL useSMCrypto = "true" # RPC SM crypto type
# The following configurations take the certPath by default if commented # caCert = "conf/ca.crt" # CA cert file path # sslCert = "conf/sdk.crt" # SSL cert file path # sslKey = "conf/sdk.key" # SSL key file path
# The following configurations take the sm certPath by default if commented # caCert = "conf/sm_ca.crt" # SM CA cert file path # sslCert = "conf/sm_sdk.crt" # SM SSL cert file path # sslKey = "conf/sm_sdk.key" # SM SSL key file path # enSslCert = "conf/sm_ensdk.crt" # SM encryption cert file path # enSslKey = "conf/sm_ensdk.key" # SM ssl cert file path
[account] keyStoreDir = "account" # The directory to load/store the account file, default is "account" # accountFilePath = "" # The account file path (default load from the path specified by the keyStoreDir) accountFileFormat = "pem" # The storage format of account file (Default is "pem", "p12" as an option)
# accountAddress = "" # The transactions sending account address # Default is a randomly generated account # The randomly generated account is stored in the path specified by the keyStoreDir
# password = "" # The password used to load the account file
[threadPool] # threadPoolSize = "16" # The size of the thread pool to process message callback # Default is the number of cpu cores